Talent profile

Talent Profile 

Create a Talent Profile for yourself, and allow recruiters to discover you and your expertise.  Recruiters throughout Finland are searching for skilled candidates through our service. 

With the Talent Profile, you gain several benefits that significantly ease your job search: 

  1. Employers can find your profile, contact you, and offer you job opportunities. 

  2. Receive recommendations for open positions that align with your skills. 

  3. Easily apply for jobs with just one Skills Profile.  

After completing and saving your Talent Profile, we will send your username and password to the email you provided. 

Remember to fill out your profile thoroughly, as this will enhance its visibility for recruiters and make it more convincing. 

If you want weekly job recommendations targeted by artificial intelligence, subscribe to them in the settings and notifications section. Note that you will receive recommendations only if your Talent Profile status is set to public, visible to recruiters. You can manage the status in the Talent Profile/edit section at the end.
